Project Brief

While the PPLATO resources continue to be developed, the project has reached its official end, this section is included for historical reasons.

Promoting Physics Learning And Teaching Opportunities (PPLATO)

FDTL4 Project Number 159/02. Term: November 2002 - November 2005

PPLATO is a Consortium project led by the University of Reading with Brunel University, Open University, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, University of Plymouth and University of Salford as partners. It addresses two key issues facing the physics HE community - teaching mathematics to physics undergraduates and widening participation in undergraduate physics. PPLATO has surveyed and evaluated existing practices in these areas, developing and disseminating an extensive range of new resources and good practice, building on previous successful developments and experiences. These are free or delivered at nominal cost to the sector. The outcomes of the project are improved student competence in mathematics and physics and wider participation and improved retention in undergraduate physics.

New resources include flexible materials for teaching, diagnostics, assessment and tutorial support, with effective strategies for their use. A generic Foundation Year programme for entry into physics and engineering degree courses has also been developed and made available to the sector electronically. A key feature of the conduct of the project is the close liaison with the sector throughout it's development, establishing what is currently being done and seeking a consensus approach to the problems and a sharing of resources. Implementation Sites for developmental use of the emerging PPLATO resources were sought so that evaluation, reflection and response were able to characterise the project.

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